3 Easy Ways To Make Your House Smell Good Year Round

No matter what time of year it is, aren’t we always trying to figure out how to make our house smell good? I know that’s the case for me!

I love when I walk into my home and it just smells SO. GOOD. I always used to wonder how people made their house smell good (without having a candle lit all the time), and I’m glad to say I’ve finally found the way… or should I say ways!

The best way to approach this is making sure you find the best option for your home. Whether that be something 100% hands off and does all the work for you or maybe you enjoy the therapy of lighting that candle every day.

You also may like having cute little decor around your home, but want it functional. The possibilities of making your home smell good come in many different ways and having it function best for you and your lifestyle can be accomplished.

3 Ways To Make Your House Smell Good Year Round

1. The 100% Hands off Approach:

Are you the person that just wants to set it and forget it to make your home smell good? There is this myth that to have your home smelling good means you have to spend hours cleaning your house everyday.

Honestly, this is so far from the truth. No matter how much you clean, house cleaners still don’t always smell good. In fact, most of the time, they just smell sterile and like bleach. I don’t know about you but when I think of my house smelling good, it is with a scent I love, not a doctor’s office.

The Pura Plugin Smart Home Technology

This is not like your old plugins you buy while grocery shopping. Because we know how frustrating those can be when you go to buy refills and all of a sudden you have to also buy the new plugin again because they no longer sell the old plugins. 😡

Pura is one of the most well known app based scent plugins. Not only does it tell you when your scents are low, you can also program it with two different scents to automatically make your home smell amazing no matter the time of day. 

We have been through two of their device upgrades. They have made sure to keep the scent inserts the same no matter the device.

They have an amazing subscription you can sign up for so that you never have to go hunting for your favorite scents. Instead, you can receive monthly orders that will show up on time every month and make sure your scents never run out

2. Cute Smell Good Decor

Do you love cute pieces that add to your decor but also serve a function? This is where cute decorative diffusers come in handy.

Scent sticks are my go to simple decor that can really make a space smell good. They are affordable and come in a variety of looks to fit any decor style. These also come in so many scents you are bound to find one that is perfect for your preference!

If you aren’t sure what scent sticks are, you’ve probably seen them before and didn’t even realize that is what they were called. 

They are cute little decorative bottles that have an oily liquid in them with thin wood sticks poking out the top! I feel like these have been around forever. 

Scent Sticks are always a good choice in making any space smell good and look great!

3. Traditional Candles 

I feel like candles are the classic never go out of style way to make your home smell amazing!

When choosing a candle it can be hard though. They smell amazing in the store but when you get them home burning you can barely smell them and there’s NOTHING more frustrating!

Luckily, I finally found my go to candle and I will never buy any other candles after finding this brand. The smell ends up spreading throughout our entire home! Its scent lingers for days and you do not have to burn these candles everyday to enjoy them which is even better.

Capri Blue Scent Volcano Candles have my heart forever and always!!!😍

By incorporating these three powerhouse solutions into your home, you can enjoy a consistent and delightful fragrance experience tailored to every corner of your living space. 

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We have gone through so many ways of trying to make our home smell good over the years and now, you don’t have to struggle like we did. You can steal our best ways to make your home always smell good!

I will never go back from sticking to one of these three options of keeping our house smelling amazing throughout the year.

PRO TIP: We don’t only use one of these options in our home. Throughout the year we utilize all three of these options in different scenarios.

Pura Smart Home Technology: we use it everyday. One scent is on during the day and we have a night time relaxing scent for the evening.

Scent Sticks: we use these in our guest bedroom and bathroom. Spaces we don’t frequent often and where these things shine, which are small spaces!

Candles: we use mostly for our seasonal scents and our go to Capri Blue Candle.

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As always, we love hearing about your experiences with our “How to make your house smell good”. Reach out to us through our social channels. Any questions you have, we’re here to answer. 

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